For example, oranges keep well and can be shipped rather than flown, so their carbon footprint is usually fairly low. But a litre of fresh orange juice can have a CO2 equivalent (5.76kg ...
Anything that creates greenhouse gases can be included in your total carbon footprint. For example, if you drive to school, emissions from the petrol in your car are added together with the ...
Carbon food labelling may make consumers swap out foodstuffs with high climate footprint for more planet-friendly meals ...
Your food choices also impact your personal carbon footprint. For example, if you buy fruit that has been shipped from overseas, the carbon emitted on that journey will add to your footprint.
Your food choices also impact your personal carbon footprint. For example, if you buy fruit that has been shipped from overseas, the carbon emitted on that journey will add to your footprint.
The PD Forum - whose members include some of the biggest players in the global emissions reduction industry and account for over 20% of investment in the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism - has started ...
The agricultural sector plays a dual role in the climate change issue. According to Anita Neville, Chief Sustainability and ...
Sustainable media buying is a two-pronged approach that reduces the carbon footprint of online advertising and costs, according to Boa, a company focused on sustainable media buying and advertising.
This example points to an emerging IT paradox ... companies globally now have public targets for achieving a neutral carbon ...