Strange cat behavior, indeed ... it’s not the same joyful response you get with a happy dog wag. In fact, it may mean the opposite. “A cat tail wag can be more of a warning,” notes ...
Cats are snuggly, way less work than dogs, don't require walks in the rain to do their business and their purring is ...
What’s endearing is that cats who get along well will groom each other, wrap their tails together, and head-butt each other ...
"In some ways, a pet is like a little alien you have in your home," said Branch, whose cats are all foster-fails. "And this is a strange behavior that ends up being endearing in its oddity." ...
Cats sticking their tongues out, known as "blepping," is a common behavior linked to relaxation, grooming, excitement, and environmental investigation. While often harmless and amusing ...