为解决胰腺癌免疫治疗难题,约翰霍普金斯大学医学院等机构的研究人员开展了胰腺癌肝肺转移小鼠模型对 IL-1β 阻断反应的研究。结果显示联合疗法效果因转移部位而异,该研究为胰腺癌免疫治疗提供新思路,值得科研人员一读。
S3). Immunohistochemical analysis showed a dense lymphocytic infiltration of the lamina propria positive for T-cell receptor (TCR) α, CD3, CD4, and granzyme B but which did not express TRBC1 ...
12 Further details regarding the complete patient cohort are reported in online supplementary table 3. EMCs or PBMCs were stained with zombie aqua (live/dead discrimination), anti-CD45 (to exclude non ...
本河北医科大学第四医院2024年试剂采购(十一)已由项目审批/核准/备案机关批准, 项目资金来源为其他资金/,招标人为河北 ...
To begin exploring the recruitment process, we cultured the CPs either with CFSE-labeled, non-activated CD4 T cells or with activated Th1 cells from CD45.1 mice (Figure S7A in Supplementary Material).
Incubation in medium alone served as a negative control condition. Absolute counts of CD4 and CD8 T cells were determined with BD Multitest™ CD3/CD8/CD45/CD4 in BD Trucount™ Tubes. Naïve/memory T cell ...