BELOIT – Fairbanks Morse Defense (FMD) has been awarded several purchase orders for its Ohio-based business unit, American ...
The head of Orlen Neptun, the offshore wind unit of Polish refiner Orlen, has categorically ruled out using Chinese wind turbines in the company’s multi-gigawatt offshore wind pipeline in the Baltic ...
Japan’s renewable energy ambitions have received a major push as Proteus Marine Renewables has successfully deployed its powerful AR1100 tidal turbine in the Naru Strait, located between the ...
Fans are the most commonly used turbine cooling system at wind power plants, while liquid cooling systems are also used to cool components such as AC generators and electronics. Different types of ...
An engineering expert says the collapse of a wind turbine in western Victoria this week is "totally unacceptable", given the turbines are only two years old. The government says a section of the ...
Photos of the Berrybank Wind Farm, located 80km west of Geelong, show the 112m turbine, including the blades, nacelle and hub, toppled to the ground. It’s believed to have collapsed in the early ...
On Monday, the equipment manufacturer Senvion and Voodin Blade Technology announced plans to research and test turbine prototypes made using the world’s longest wooden blades. Wind farms are ...
A wind farm has been proposed for an area of pine plantations near the town of Nelson in south-west Victoria. The plantations are home to a critically endangered bat and close to a Ramsar-listed ...
Update Wednesday, February 5, 12.15pm: Lives are at risk if safety concerns surrounding the structural integrity of wind turbines aren't addressed, a Victorian MP says.
The Berrybank wind project in Victoria has been shut down after an incident including the apparent collapse of one of its turbines after severe storms, when strong winds and lightning blew through ...