1. Cut the ham into thin slices. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. 2. Add chopped dill and season with mayonnaise, salt and ...
Remove from the heat and let it sit for a minute before cutting. As Dustin learned the hard way, it's hot when it's fresh out of the skillet. The crispy cheese crust takes the texture of this ...
The interior is a cozy blend of classic diner charm and beachy vibes, with sunny yellow walls that could brighten even the ...
The “Meat Me” sign on the blue wall isn’t just cute wordplay – it’s practically a command from the barbecue heavens. Founded ...
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Large, stainless-steel milk trucks roll into the five-stall receiving bay of Melrose Dairy Proteins LLC (MDP) 24/7, delivering some 3.5 million pounds of milk each day. That’s the daily output of more ...
The Network for Endangered Sea Turtles (N.E.S.T.), N.C. Aquarium on Roanoke Island recently teamed up with the crew of the Wanchese-based Phideaux to release a rehabilitated 175-pound loggerhead sea ...
Fried eggs are a breakfast classic, but they're hardly foolproof. Fortunately, we have a useful tip for anyone tired of ...