Enjoyably energetic, if unfocused, family show directed by Francesca Goodridge, starring Michael Starke, Adam Keast, Ai Kumar, Zoe West, Rebecca Levy, Tomi Ogbaro and Ben Boskovic ...
From classic films like Alfred Hitchcock's The Lady Vanishes to anime hits like Ghost in the Shell, there's something to satisfy audiences of all ages and tastes. Best of all, these movies are all ...
It's the 15th anniversary of this popular Christmas rock and roll show, starring Elvis and The Blue Sueders (Elvis may look familiar to regular Norfolk magazine readers), comedian and compere Olly Day ...
Rob Rokicki, known for THE LIGHTNING THIEF, announced the digital release of his concept album THE REAL GEMMA JORDAN, featuring a book by Anna K. Jacobs and a cast of Broadway stars. Learn more!