The story of the "Star of Palawoo" in Altadena and how it gave hope to the community for one night only after the fire.
When something goes wrong with your car, a curious-looking icon illuminates on the dashboard. But what those symbols mean isn ...
So many of the symbols and icons we use every day are learned without ever knowing the meanings behind them. We just go about our days, pressing and clicking on buttons, without a second thought ...
In the age of the LED light bulb, consumers have an unfathomable range of lighting options. This has, perversely, made the task of pleasantly illuminating our homes harder, not easier. The culprit ...
Instead, it's the other electrical bits in LED bulbs that fail and cut off the bulb's light. LED bulbs use DC power, which requires a converter and drivers to switch from standard AC power in homes.
2010). This study showed that stimulation of the medial olfactory bulb by glutamate injection generated rhythmical electrical activity in reticulospinal cells and in the ventral root of the spinal ...
Proper brain function relies on exquisite balance between excitation and inhibition, where inhibitory circuits play fundamental roles toward sculpting principle neuron output and information ...