People who are recovering from traumatic brain injury or damage from a ... effects on other areas of life besides cognitive ...
The UAB-TBIMS In-home Cognitive Stimulation Guidebook offers activities to stimulate thinking skills of people with brain disorders. Each activity provides a group of tasks listed by their level of ...
Everyday physical activity, like going for a short walk or playing with the kids, may provide short-term benefits for ...
Light exercises can aid cardiovascular ... In addition, participants completed a few brief brain games – meaning performance-based cognitive assessments that lasted about one minute each ...
Mary Newsome, Ph.D. is a cognitive psychologist who researches neuroplasticity and cognitive changes after brain injury and interventional therapies. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) ...
An emerging body of multidisciplinary literature has documented the beneficial influence of physical activity engendered through aerobic exercise on selective aspects of brain function.
While research on exercise and living a healthy lifestyle has demonstrated the long-term cognitive and brain health benefits of remaining physically active, much of this work has focused on the ...
Many women who receive chemotherapy experience a decreased ability to remember, concentrate, and/or think—commonly referred to as “chemo-brain ... the Aerobic exercise and CogniTIVe ...