Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to shape our future across almost every industry as its adoption grows to automate crucial business processes, reduce costs, and boost productivity.  Data shows ...
AI is evolving at an incredible pace, but its growing energy demands pose a major challenge. Enter spintronic devices—new ...
Researchers have developed a new spintronic device that can potentially revolutionize AI hardware through higher efficiency ...
A novel spintronic device from Tohoku University allows electrical mutual switching between antiferromagnets and ferromagnets ...
AI transformational impact is well under way. But as AI technologies develop, so too does their power consumption. Further advancements will require ...
Spintronics is the use of a fundamental property of particles known as spin for information processing. In many ways, spintronics is analogous to electronics, which instead uses the electrical ...
A slight decrease in overall performance in rear direction is acceptable in my opinion. You may see it differently, though. It's up to you! 2 spitfires in a collinear configuration. We can further ...
The two classes were related to auto- and allopolyploidies, respectively. However, this previous analysis was based on block-by-block characterization of collinear and non-collinear genes, failing to ...
The genetic and evolutionary relationships between the novel SXT/R391 of typical Shewanella isolate and the recognized SXT/R391 ICEs were determined by BLASTn search and phylogenetic analysis. The ...