Tian Youran, a 24-year-old student from Belgium, is studying Chinese culture courses at Xi'an International University in Xi'an, China. Since studying at Xi'an International University, Tian Youran's ...
How can traditional Chinese culture embrace technology to become more fascinating? At the Guochao (Chinese ...
This undated video screenshot shows Li Ziqi receiving an interview with Xinhua. (Xinhua) ...
Along the Beijing Central Axis, there is a calligraphy studio – Zhuang Peisen Calligraphy Art Studio. The owner of this studio is master Zhuang Peisen, an inheritor of intangible cultural heritage ...
A student from the Beijing School for the Blind touches a model of a Chinese ridge beast at Sensory Experience Gallery of the Palace Museum in Beijing, capital of China, Dec. 1, 2024. Sensory Experien ...
On November 30th, the second Shunde Motorcycle Culture Festival and the 20th Anniversary of Moto Workshop Carnival took place ...
The article by Xi, also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, will be published in this year's 23rd issue of the Qiushi Journal, a flagship magazine of the CPC Central ...
“担担面”本名丹尼尔·帕斯科,是新⻄兰中国友好协会奥克兰分会理事。他曾在贵州生活了5年,会说一口流利的贵阳话,并将贵州视为自己的第二故乡。  Daniel Pascoe, known as "Dan Dan Noodles," is a Member ...
BEIJING, Nov. 29 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for greater efforts to adapt Marxism to the Chinese ...
For Bill from the US, this is his favorite Chinese phrase. Whether it's with a friend or a stranger, he gets a real kick out of using it. A little kindness, a smile, a word of gratitude–his response ...
抵制文化是美国民主、精英领导制、正当程序和言论自由的毒瘤。它正在通过社交媒体扩散。它正在扼杀创造力、危及基本自由、误导学生、抹杀历史、赋予极端分子权力、摧毁来之不易的遗产——所有这些都没有问责制或透明度。抵制文化是真实存在的。它并不是右翼极端分子为了 ...