The US State Department has approved potential arms sales to Israel totaling about $US3 billion, the Pentagon said Friday.
(法新社华盛顿25日电) 美国住房与城市发展部疑遭人恶作剧,电视萤幕播出一段人工智慧(AI)生成影片,内容是总统川普在舔亿万富豪马斯克脚趾,引发哗然。该部发言人表示,正就此展开调查。 「纽约时报」(The New York Times)报导,这段影片昨天在住房与城市发展部(Department of Housing and Urban Development)「短暂」播放。 影片内容批评川普与全球 ...
BEIJING, Feb. 18 (China Economic Net) - A strategic cooperation agreement to enhance clean energy collaboration was signed between Mingyang Smart Energy Group Co., Ltd., China and the Energy ...
BEIJING, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) -- The so-called "update" to the Taiwan fact sheet displayed on the U.S. State Department website is another example of the U.S. side using the Taiwan question to contain ...
2025年2月14日,迪拜]据迪拜经济和旅游部(The Department of Economy and Tourism, DET)数据显示,2024 年迪拜迎来 1872 万国际过夜游客,同比增长 ...