Bloody alien births, self-inflicted chemical burns, and more repulsive cinematic feats face off in a contest of what ...
Released early in the director's career, I'm pretty sure that Fight Club (with that twist!) will always be my favorite David Fincher movie, and here's why. Believe it or not, but Fight Club came ...
Brad Pitt was instrumental in Helena Bonham Carter being cast in Fight Club. And although the film was a success, at first it ...
David Fincher (born Aug. 28 ... Fincher reunited with Pitt for 1999’s “Fight Club,” also starring Edward Norton, and 2008’s “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.” ...
This year marks the 15th anniversary since "Fight Club" debuted in 1999 ... But if you rewatch the film, you will see that director David Fincher hid a bunch of clues throughout the film that ...
Julia Roberts will receive an Honorary César at the 50th annual César Awards in February. "The Killer," a new thriller from David Fincher starring Michael Fassbender, is coming to Netflix.