Disney released a sequel show to Wizards of Waverly place that starred Selena Gomez in 2007. The show covered a family of wizards that live in New York and the focus is on the three children. With the ...
Wizards Beyond Waverly Place” is a spin-off of the Disney Channel series “Wizards of Waverly Place” that promises the same enchanting magic to both new and older audiences.
Everything is not what it seems in the first episode of Wizards Beyond Waverly Place, the sequel series to the iconic Disney Channel series that launched Selena Gomez, David Henrie and Jake T.
She also posted a throwback picture of her and costar David Henrie, who plays older brother ... then and now The new Wizards of Waverly Place series is coming this fall!” In the comments ...
Wizards Beyond Waverly” still has the old beats (and a few burns that weren’t in Gomez’s original book) but it’s not like a “Fuller House” carbon copy. This incarnation could help pre-teens deal with ...
Gomez and Henrie also opened up about their longtime friendship since first starring in Wizards of Waverly Place at the start ... learned to love and trust, but David was there the first time ...
Fans of Wizards of Waverly Place were overjoyed to hear that Theresa Russo, played by Maria Canals Barrera, will be returning in the spinoff, aka Wizards Beyond Waverly Place. David Henrie confirmed ...
15 Selena Gomez /Instagram Selena Gomez is buzzing after appearing on Wizards Beyond Waverly Place ... photo smiling alongside her costar David Henrie, who plays her older brother Justin Russo ...
the spin-off and sequel to the beloved comedy TV series Wizards of Waverly Place, arrived on Disney+ on October 29, 2024, and continues to captivate fans with its magical charm. The original series ...