THE hartseer family of slain toddler Davin Africa, who was shot and killed over the weekend, will gather at his Wesbank home today to celebrate what would have been his fifth birthday. Tears of ...
Relatives and friends of the late Mr. Davin Mervyn Watts are advised that his Funeral Service is appointed to take place at the Doveton Park Funeral Centre, 1251 Doveton Street North, Ballarat on ...
What is functional cognitive disorder? Functional cognitive disorder (FCD) is an under-recognised condition that is different from dementia. It causes problems with memory or concentration but, unlike ...
From the dichotomy of body and mind to embodied cognition, the body as a material entity has become increasingly important in the cognitive development of individuals. Embodied cognition strengthens ...
It got this name because the presumption was that cognitive impairment after bypass surgery was related to the use of the cardiopulmonary bypass pump during the procedure. For a long time, talk about ...
Instead, we might be seeing the emergence of two distinct cognitive cultures: the Symbionts and the Sovereigns. Two distinct perspectives that—philosophically and functionally—engage with ...
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine are private, nonprofit institutions that provide expert advice on some of the most pressing challenges facing the nation and world. Our ...
However, the current literature on neural systems and circuits underlying creative cognition, and on how creative drives such as motivation, mood states, and reward could shape our creative mind ...