The Idaho Senate narrowly approved a plan to spend $50 million on refundable tax credits for private education expenses, sending House Bill 93 to the governor.
Educational publishers have needs that differ from those of the industry at large. The books used in K–12 schools, colleges, ...
As Georgia prepares to implement a new school voucher program, the state is witnessing a surge in Black families choosing ...
Here’s a list of the most high-profile pieces of legislation and updates on how close they are to becoming law.
A judge sentenced Roberta McIntyre, a former substitute at Robert E. Lake Elementary School after a mom alleged she abused ...
Reluctant to amass debt to make that dream a reality, they began thinking outside the box. They came up with a unique ...
Democratic state lawmakers are making another attack on parents’ rights and educational choice in Illinois. A bill would require homeschooling parents to file annual reports to avoid truancy charges, ...
A new bill in the Lone Star State seeks to formalize parents rights to homeschool their kids as they see fit by shielding ...
The 2025-26 Education Freedom Account applications for the Arkansas LEARNS Act open March 3. This part of the law is intended ...
She begins by explaining why the artificial womb is appealing: because birth isn’t. She says she’s not sure she wants to have children, especially given how pregnancy is sold. “I definitely don’t want ...
Giana Vasconcellos thought she knew how to homeschool her son, but her strict methods were draining his joy and motivation ...
For many couples, a wedding isn’t complete without those they love most — family, friends, and increasingly often, their four ...