You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for other people to use. Learn more about releases in our docs.
Double click the ./dinosaur-jump/dragonruby executable to start up the game. Source code is located at ./dinosaur-jump/mygame/app/main.rb.
Cressa Maeve looks back at the classic horror game 'Dino Crisis' and explains why it's time we at least get a remake.
Remember the simple Dino game that popped up when your internet connection went down? That little pixelated T-Rex quickly became a favorite for many users who were stuck offline. But now, ...
There's been all sorts of surprises for the Xbox recently and it seems the trend is continuing in March with a port of Turok: ...
Players have spent decades arguing the pros and cons of PC and console gaming. While it all comes down to your needs as a ...
Aaron Paul tried to build off his Breaking Bad success by starring in a major video game movie. Unfortunately, things didn't ...
For centuries, locals have told stories of mokele-mbembe, a legendary creature said to lurk in the Congo Basin. But as ...
There were four separate races - a 5 kilometre (km) run for adults, 2km for under 16s, 1km for under 11s and a short race for ...
The Sinclair acquisition adds refining assets complementary to HF’s legacy footprint while adding a marketing business that its portfolio lacked, improving competitiveness.