The acronym NFT, once a foreign tongue only spoken in crypto circles, has become a household name. In 2021, the NFT art market exploded, reaching a p ...
How throwing shade on Polymarket resulted in a DM from CEO Shayne Coplan, and led Batsoupyum down the NFT rabbit hole: NFT ...
Had your idea stolen? Blockchain and intellectual property protect artists, musicians, and innovators, ensuring their work ...
上周,《Everydays: The First 5000 Days》背后的流行数字艺术家 Beeple(原名 Mike Winkelmann)在英国佳士得拍卖行以 6,900 万美元的价格售出 5,000 件数字艺术收藏品。 这是加密货币领域的一件了不起的事件,因为这些藏品是作为不可替代代币(NFT)出售的。 此外 ...
US-based art collective Kanbas Collection bought a 1-of-1 digital artwork by Sam Spratt for $3 million, suggesting that the NFT sector may have matured to be more sustainable than it was three years ...
Over the past few years, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have taken the world by storm, reshaping the way people think about ...