Students and staff marked the occasion with a variety of engaging activities all centered around the number 100.
For the past two decades, fourth-grade students at Sterling Morton Elementary School in Mentor have been bringing art to life in an original and entertaining annual tradition. And in the process, ...
Once a standard in elementary schools, cursive is no longer taught to all students. A Maine lawmaker would like to change ...
Many Quad-Cities school districts hosted all-school assemblies, individual classroom activities, crafts and promoted Black ...
Eliminating the reading intervention program, cutting five special education instructors and three paraprofessionals, and ...
Bonner Elementary opened its doors to the community Thursday night for a vibrant Black History Month celebration featuring ...
A Third Future Schools-Texas elementary school in Midland has been accused of neglecting social studies and physical ...
Art Classes are offered at the Spartanburg Art Museum. For details and registration, visit Art ...
Jefferson Elementary School last month launched a unit based on pinball, a game that involves hitting metal balls across a ...