Inspired in part by the results in the fly, we set out to study the problem of coding and decoding in simple models of spiking neurons. Probably the most important result was that there is a large ...
Probabilistic measure of information. Introduction to compression algorithms including L-Z, MPEG, JPEG, and Huffman encoding. Determination of the information handling capacity of communication ...
The encoding process is shown schematically in ... The decoder consists of an 8K decoding workstation (hereafter “8K WS”) and a U-SDI converter. Functional blocks and the decoding processing ...
In many such applications latency measured in sub 10 milliseconds is crucial and it takes a radically different approach from traditional ones to achieve a low latency implementation of the popular ...
In the Journal of Neuroscience, they report that PoFC aids spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) and, thus, neural coding and decoding. STDP is a learning rule according to which synaptic ...