The film discusses the dual nature of atomic energy, likening it to the sun, which can both sustain and destroy life. It ...
How Does Nuclear Energy Affect the Economy? It boosts economic growth by providing reliable energy, creating jobs, lowering ...
WEST, a tokamak run from the CEA Cadarache site in southern France and one of the EUROfusion consortium medium size Tokamak ...
France has taken a major leap forward in the race for nuclear fusion energy, achieving a new world record for plasma duration ...
French research organization CEA reported that on 12 February, the CEA’s WEST tokamak maintained a nuclear fusion plasma for ...
ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is a multinational fusion project in France aiming to prove that ...
A world record for nuclear fusion has been smashed after an 'artificial sun' reactor was able to maintain a plasma for more ...
Chinese scientists sustain plasma at 100 million degrees C for 1,066 seconds in EAST, advancing nuclear fusion research.
On 12 February, the CEA’s WEST machine was able to maintain a plasma for more than 22 minutes. In doing so, it smashed the ...