In this study, we propose a hierarchical Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model for explaining the underlying cognitive mechanisms of WCST, based on the free energy principle (FEP). FEP explains ...
The optional BD FACS™ Universal Loader automates sample handling, enabling rapid processing of multitube racks and microtiter plates in this single unit. Designed to be easy to use and flexible ...
Activated charcoal has been used to treat poisoning for centuries but may have other health benefits as well. This fine, odorless, black powder is produced by heating charcoal to an extremely high ...
National Signing Day has arrived for high school athletes nationwide as players can sign to continue their careers in college. Traditionally, the February window was the only time for players to sign.
Submit your team's statistics to: [email protected] ST. GEORGE’S 74, FACS 32 Carson Crump and Jackson Jones led the Gryphons with 16 points each; Silas Jones (14). Kylan Alexander ...
The late screenwriter William Goldman famously once declared that “Nobody knows anything.” He was referring, of course, to the world of moviemaking, and Hollywood in particular. But it’s becoming ...
In order to achieve those goals, they establish a set of ethical principles for a just society. Equal access to social goods is one of the most fundamental principles of social justice.
We hold ourselves and each other accountable for demonstrating the Amazon Leadership Principles through our actions every day. Our Leadership Principles describe how Amazon does business, how leaders ...
Herein, we present in detail a FACS-free protocol for purification and primary culture of mouse MECs ... allowing ex vivo studies of this critical hormonal signaling pathway in the mammary gland.
Peripheral WB samples (100 μL) were incubated with CD3 and CD56 mAb for 15 min at room temperature in the dark. Red blood cells (RBCs) were lysed by the addition of 2 mL fluorescence-activated cell ...