Windows 11 can extract all kinds of files on its own, but that doesn't mean it will do it well. These apps are much better ...
Managing your files is a core part of using a PC, so why are File Explorer and Finder still missing these essential features?
File Pilot is hands-down one of the best File Explorer alternatives we've ever seen on Windows, and it's ridiculously fast.
File Pilot is a new third-party replacement for File Explorer on Windows 11 and you can give it a try for free today.
From the Start menu, to File Explorer and to pop-up Notifications, their "suggestions" might be helpful to some, but they’re ...
It's in the class of utilities that most Windows users barely notice, but if deleted would at some point stop play. Whatever ...
The other change, aimed at meeting European privacy rules, is to disable account-based content in File Explorer. The change ...
The February patch KB5051987 for Windows 11 is causing problems for users. Some can't download it properly, for others the ...
KB5052078 is now out and it brings some of biggest changes to sharing files in Windows 11, the operating system has seen so ...