To no enthusiast's surprise, so did its sales. The latest reincarnated Pontiac is the 1988 Grand Prix, the replacement for the antediluvian personal-luxury two-door of the same name. The old Grand ...
The 1988 Paralympics marked the first time in 24 years the Paralympics took place in the same venue as the Olympics. The Seoul Paralympic Organising Committee had only a tangential relationship with ...
食用松香甘油酯的原料来自优质马尾松的精制脂松香和食用级甘油经酯化而成生成松香类甘油酯。符合我国国家标准GB10287-88和GB2760-86标准的食用级松香类甘油酯,可安全用于食品。 本产品具有优良的乳化性能、增粘性能,能作为胶姆糖基础剂,赋予胶姆糖成泡 ...