In the world of anime characters, be it heroes or villains, few have achieved the legendary status of Gear 5 Luffy from One Piece. However, even the mightiest can face their match. This article ...
24) episode of Yellowstone was a stunner ... well, it's a problem for everyone. Yellowstone Season 5, Ep. 12 airs on Paramount Network on Sunday (Dec. 1) at 8PM ET. Yellowstone returned with ...
Eric Kripke has revealed the title of the first episode of The Boys Season 5. The Boys Season 5 Episode 1 will be titled "Fifteen Inches of Sheer Dynamite". As of now, we do not have a release date ...
Knowing how to unlock Gear 5 in One Fruit Simulator is one of the worst-kept secrets in the game. Unless you’re willing to dive deep into the game’s Discord server, there’s a good chance you won’t ...
Taylor Sheridan’s Yellowstone has finally returned after a nearly two-year-long hiatus. The good news? New episodes will now be airing weekly through Dec. 15. The not so good news? It's still ...
Asta (Black Clover) First appearance: Episode 1 ... Haki Luffy, the protagonist of One Piece, has become an immensely powerful pirate, especially with his Gear transformations and Haki abilities.