The hugely successful first series was hosted by father and son duo Bradley Walsh and Barney Walsh. They saw 16 new superhuman Gladiators: Sabre, Legend, Nitro, Diamond, Phantom, Athena, Bionic ...
Gladiators' reboot was a big hitter in the world of entertainment TV this year, so it was no shock to anybody when talk turned to a second series. The 90s mega-hit was resurrected in January, with ...
but will not return to the Gladiators' arena for series two in the new year after damaging his knee. Meanwhile, the rest of the Gladiators cast will get a warm-up run ahead of the new series with a ...
Meanwhile, the rest of the Gladiators cast will get a warm-up run ahead of the new series with a celebrity special set to air on BBC One this Christmas. Nitro, aka Harry Aikines-Aryeetey ...