play beyond doubt a very important part in nature's economy, from the fact that their dark colour far more readily absorbs the sun's heat than the bluish-white ice, and thereby they contribute to ...
Geologists are working with local communities to determine how residents can adapt as the area's sea level, in effect, goes ...
The structure was Camp Century, an abandoned Arctic military research base run by the US between 1959 and 1967 during the ...
Greenland is about to open up to adventure-seeking visitors. How many tourists will come is yet to be seen, but the three new ...
Greenland aims to boost tourism despite its fragile environment and remote location. Global warming impacts, like melting ice, challenge this growth. A frozen landscape with breathtaking views ...
NASA scientists have located Camp Century, a U.S. military base from the Cold War era, buried deep beneath Greenland’s ice ...
A new international airport has opened in Nuuk, Greenland's capital, to attract tourists from Europe and North America.
Our modeling, published in Nature Geoscience, suggests the recent weakening of the oceanic circulation can potentially be ...
针对这个问题,研究团队创新性地构建了格陵兰冰盖内部和底部的融水与基岩垂直位移之间的函数模型,利用全球导航卫星系统实现了对冰盖内部融水演化的监测。并发现,冰盖内部和底部储存的融水量大到能把测站附近的基岩最高压低5毫米,这对建立和维持毫米级全球高程基准也 ...
Nuuk International Airport opens this month, opening Greenland’s capital up to larger plane landings for the first time. With United Airlines set to open flights from the US, tourism is expected to ...