你是否见过这样的孩子?他们拥有天真烂漫的笑容,纯洁如天使,被唤作“微笑天使”。 然而,笑容背后却往往伴随错乱言语和僵硬颤抖的步伐,如同被操控的“快乐木偶”,空洞微笑摇摆。这并非真快乐,而是一种罕见病——天使综合征(Angelman Syndrome, ...
Hem 118 Tran Hung Dao St. is a busy pathway connecting main road to beach, frequented by tourists and locals. Popular breakfast spot is Bagels 'n Eggs, known for fresh bagels.
Anime becomes more engaging when it features brutal, violent, and heartless characters. Here are six anime that showcase intense action and ruthless ...
Atherosclerosis (AS) is the main pathological basis for the development of cardio-cerebrovascular diseases. Abnormal accumulation of apoptotic and necrotic cells resulted in plaque enlargement, ...
The global burden of renal diseases is increasingly severe, underscoring the need for in-depth exploration of the molecular mechanisms underlying renal disease progression and the development of ...