DAN DA DAN follows Momo, a high school girl from a family of spirit mediums, and her classmate Okarun, an occult geek. The two of them started talking after Momo rescued Okarun from getting bullied.
The only thing stopping this from being a seven is that it may not hit for those unfamiliar with the history of Universal Monsters haunted houses. This house is bright, fun, and grotesque. It’s all ...
Visiting a haunted house could have a chilling effect on the immune system. According to new research, a jumpscare might be a jump start for the human body's defenses, similar to a cold plunge. In the ...
When one looks back at Ariana Grande’s houses over the years, a map of her ever-evolving career begins to emerge. While she’s currently all over the news for her lead role in Jon M.
This is the story of how Master Gracey's first two guests, architects Mr. Davis and Mr. Coats (a reference to original Haunted Mansion designers Marc Davis and Claude Coats), were hired to build the ...
"Welcome, foolish mortals, to the Haunted Mansion - enter if you dare! You might think that no one lives in this elegant house on the hill...but then where's that creepy organ music coming from? Are ...