While some characteristics, like family history or sex, can raise your risk for heart disease, many factors can be controlled through lifestyle changes. Healthy eating is one of the best forms of ...
Instead of throwing 5-10 questions at you, we decided to create a Super Bowl trivia test that is made up of one question from the previous 58 Super Bowls. While some of the questions will likely ...
February is heart month, and technology is making it easier to self-monitor heart health. About one in five Americans use a wearable smart device, most often on their wrist or finger, according to ...
Currently, the American Heart Association says that healthy people can eat one whole egg each day and that “older people with healthy cholesterol levels can have two” because of the ...
The best way to spend three minutes of your day. Welcome back to our beloved quick-fire general knowledge quiz! We’re on day 401 and if you’re a regular by now, you know the drill. For the ...
Share on Pinterest Alexander Spatari/Getty Images Welcome to the Heart-Healthy Foods Trivia Quiz! This quiz is designed to engage you in a fun and interactive way while providing valuable ...
If so, you’ll be in good shape.) If you’ve played Connections: Sports Edition, our daily game that’s expanding, this quiz should feel like a different exercise for those same synapses you ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently recommended replacing regular table salt with low-sodium salt substitutes to improve heart health. As per the guidelines, one should aim to reduce ...
A NEW DIY health test costing just £19.99 could help catch killer heart disease in its tracks - and prevent up to 136,000 deaths a year. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one the leading causes of ...
“Leading a heart-healthy lifestyle can go a long way in helping prevent the development of heart disease, as can periodic cardiovascular risk assessments with health care professionals,” he said.