All those who swear by intermittent fasting to keep fit and healthy must think again. This eating pattern, which benefits ...
PEOPLE who received organ transplants have been reporting strange changes to their personality – and it could be because they ...
What potential do everyday devices, like smartwatches, have in transforming the management and treatment of eating disorders?
Under the current dietary guidelines, beans, peas and lentils are categorized as both vegetables and protein foods.
A study has found that a key sign the people may have heart problems shows in the forehead, with a link detected between ...
People might be exposing themselves to a life-threatening medical situation - but setting up one routine could quickly fix ...
For decades, scientists believed the heart was a normal organ controlled entirely by the brain. Now, the picture just got a ...
People with irregular sleeping patterns are 26% more likely to have a stroke or heart attack compared to those with regular ...
The drought that has plagued much of the Northeast this fall is expected to continue through the winter, according to NOAA’s ...
A theoretical astrophysicist may have solved a nearly two-decade-old mystery over the origins of an unusual 'zebra' pattern seen in high-frequency radio pulses from the Crab Nebula. A theoretical ...