Higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet is associated with a modest reduction in the risk of obesity-related cancers, ...
Bariatric surgery reduces the progression to decompensated cirrhosis and the risk for major adverse liver outcomes, such as ...
Drayson started taking cancer drugs atezolizumab with bevacizumab in December 2023 after being accepted for a clinical trial.
A BRAVE mum-of-four says she is going to "fight as long as she can" after receiving a "devastating" cancer diagnosis.
"Adherence to the Mediterranean diet has been linked with reduced central adiposity, lower BMI [body mass index], and less ...
Metabolic surgery significantly lowered risk for major adverse liver outcomes vs. nonsurgical management among patients with obesity and compensated cirrhosis from metabolic dysfunction-associated ...
为解决肝细胞癌(HCC)预后差、缺乏有效生物标志物的问题,研究人员开展了 RECQL4 在 HCC 中作用的研究,发现其可预测预后、影响药物敏感性,对 HCC 治疗意义重大。 肝细胞癌(Hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC),这个隐匿在人体肝脏内的 “健康杀手”,一直以来都是全球癌症领域的一大难题。它不仅是全球第六大常见癌症,更是癌症相关死亡的第三大主因。多数 HCC ...
为解决肝细胞癌(HCC)患者等待肝移植期间肿瘤进展问题,相关研究人员开展 Histotripsy 作为桥接治疗的研究,发现其可使肿瘤完全坏死,为 HCC 治疗提供新选择。
The leading Advanced Merkel Cell Carcinoma Companies such as Xencor, Inc., Incyte Corporation, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, ...