Vaginal atrophy refers to inflammation, dryness, and thinning of the vaginal walls. Natural remedies include using lubricants, staying sexually active, exercising, and avoiding smoking.
A corneal abrasion is a scratch on the clear dome at the front of the eye (cornea ... You may be able to manage the pain with home remedies. Consult a healthcare provider for any issue that doesn't ...
Saad Usmani, Chief of MSK's Myeloma Service, says there are far more treatment options for multiple myeloma today compared with just 20 years ago. Note: This story was originally published in 2022 and ...
Use corneal diagnostic tools to pick the right candidates. KOLOA, Hawaii — Ophthalmologists must embrace corneal diagnostics to select the proper patient for premium multifocal IOLs, according ...
A small peripheral corneal melt in an 8-mm-diameter-plus LASIK flap is not visually significant, whereas overly aggressive treatment can result in a serious sight-threatening course of serial ...
Tiny particles of dirt trapped under the contact could also scratch your cornea. A cornea erosion can occur when the abrasion re-tears ... them decide on the best treatment.
Natural treatments for lupus are often used alongside conventional medical treatment. They may be used to help reduce symptoms, which can include fatigue, joint pain, and hair loss. Lupus is an ...
more security At-home treatment, full-time and part-time options Average cost* $64,200 per year $116,800 per year for a private room $75,500 per year Assisted living facilities offer older adults ...
Home remedies for heartburn relief include avoiding trigger foods, chewing gum, and elevating the bed. Heartburn is a painful or burning sensation that may occur just below or behind the breast bone.
The firm is commercializing and developing treatments for various diseases of the cornea. Its potential market size is rather small, but the company has little apparent direct competition and has ...
When it comes to hair loss, there are as many misconceptions as there are treatments ... medical conditions like thyroid disease. Home-stock – Is hair loss caused by genetics?
Katherine Watt is a CNET Money writer focusing on mortgages, home equity and banking. She previously wrote about personal finance for NextAdvisor. Based in New York, Katherine graduated summa cum ...