Investigating the relationship between IL-1 and inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), researchers unveiled mesenchyme homeobox 1 (MEOX1), an IL-1-dependent transcription factor that is ...
A research team has identified the transcription factor Lhx2 (LIM homeobox protein 2) as a key regulator in hepatic stellate cells. Lhx2 was found to simultaneously promote liver regeneration and ...
A guardian molecule ensures that liver cells do not lose their identity. The discovery is of great interest for cancer medicine because a change of identity of cells has come into focus as a ...
The research team found almost 30 different guardian candidates and decided to pursue one of them further: PROX1 (Prospero homeobox protein 1). Studies on the liver cancer model showed that the team ...
Background: The Homeobox (HOX) gene family are conserved transcription factors that are essential for embryonic development, oncogenesis, and cancer suppression in biological beings. Abnormally ...
This study presents an important finding that has identified 27 differentially methylated regions as a signature for non-invasive early cancer detection and predicting prognosis for colorectal cancer.
Background: There has been growing evidence that the aberrantly expressed Homeobox-C 4 (HOXC4) plays crucial roles in the development of some cancer types. However, it remains unclear as far as its ...