Huawei is expanding the reach of its HarmonyOS NEXT Air Gesture File Transfer feature, bringing it to more devices beyond.
The OPPO Find X8 Ultra will have a dual-tone camera, based on the sketch that surfaced online. It will be an ...
华为HUAWEIP60Art手机,原价5699元,现在只需4999元!这次促销机会实在难挡。这款手机采用了超聚光夜视技术,拍照清晰度极高。还拥有双向北斗卫星消息和鸿蒙系统,功能强大。机身颜色为蔚蓝海,高端大气上档次。喜欢 ...
今日,在吉隆坡繁华的Pavilion KL商场外,一块巨大的裸眼3D大屏突然“活”了过来,吸引了无数路人的目光。屏幕上,华为最新旗舰产品HUAWEI Mate XT非凡大师惊艳亮相,以其科技感十足、炫酷至极的视觉效果,瞬间吸引了无数路人的眼球。
AppleWatchSeries10智能手表,引领智能穿戴新潮流!这款智能手表采用全新的设计和众多新功能,是迄今为止最薄的AppleWatch。它配备了最先进的显示屏,是首款配备创新广视角OLED显示屏的Apple设备。显示屏更宽大、更亮 ...
华为HUAWEIWATCHFIT3智能手表优惠促销,活动期间购买还可享受满500减50元的优惠。现在入手只需649元,比原价便宜了2%,为您节省了不少费用。这款手表是华为于2024年5月15日正式发布的全新产品。与前一代产品相比,它 ...
The Oppo Find N5 is only 8.93mm thin when folded, making it the "slimmest" foldable yet. Here's an early look ahead of its ...
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