How well do you know man's best friend? Test your knowledge and take our Country Living quiz of dog quiz questions on breeds, ...
Compete against friends and family in our weekly online quiz - the Saturday Social. There are 13 questions in total - simply ...
A European human rights body has ruled that Facebook’s algorithm shows gender bias when promoting job advertisements, marking ...
Neil Vaccines are medicine which protect the human body by making it immune from a certain disease. Now, there’s been a ...
General knowledge questions have always been important for the participants preparing for competitive exams. In such a ...
Are you preparing for UPSC CSE Prelims 2025? Check your progress and revise your topics through this quiz on Science and Technology.
1. There are four ways to measure radiation dose. Of these, gray and X measure the absorbed dose whereas sievert and Y measure it in terms of its biological effect. Name X and Y, which are the ...
Are you preparing for UPSC CSE Prelims 2025? Check your progress and revise your topics through this quiz on Science and ...
Gardaí are investigating partial human remains found in the Darndale area of north Dublin earlier this afternoon.
FEMA has cut employees and is now halting efforts to improve building codes. And, Israel says one of the bodies Hamas ...
Microplastics, which are up to 500 micrometers, and nanoplastics, which range from one nanometer up to 500 micrometers, can be found throughout the environment: in bodies of water ranging from streams ...