Butch Locke, Jon Mason, and Taylor Blais sit down with Fred Kocher to discuss a collaboration between BAE Systems and Nashua Community College that prepares students to assemble microelectronic ...
This is one of the best moments of Dexter as viewers witness Dexter’s understanding that he does not have the luxury of having friends because of his life choices. The culmination of the toxic ...
Google and New York Metro Transit authority came together to perform an experiment to gain insights on track-safety.
A passionate Pokemon fan pulls off a cosplay based on Dugtrio, with their own unique spin, leaving other fans of the ...
Star Trek has a vast canvas that explores the human spirit and the potential for a brighter future in a unique manner.
Excavations have found that the brain of what seems to be a human male contained dark glass formed during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE. The effect can't be explained by lava temperatures ...
Pigs are most commonly known as barn animals but in reality, they’re one of the smartest mammals in the world. They are a ...
Originally bred as rat hunters in England, yorkies have since become popular companion pets, often displaying remarkable ...
WIESBADEN, Germany – Overseas federal employment can have some unique pay and personnel issues associated with foreign ...
Writing encourages critical thinking and is one of our higher cognitive functions, requiring we tap into prior experiences ...
The eruption of Mount Vesuvius 2,000 years ago turned a victim’s brain tissue into glass. Scientists say they have figured ...
Fragments from the brain of a man killed by the Mount Vesuvius eruption in the year 79 are smooth and shiny but still contain ...