USA: A target trial emulation study revealed that denosumab significantly increased the risk of hypocalcemia requiring ...
Denosumab treatment for osteoporosis appears more hazardous in postmenopausal women with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD).
The importance of successfully transitioning dairy cows from pregnancy to lactation has been well documented. With more than 50% of periparturient cows experiencing hypocalcemia, dairy experts remind ...
Medically reviewed by Anju Goel, MD A calcium blood test measures the calcium level in your blood. This test is typically ...
This is a time when calcium deficiencies can create significant health problems. Unfortunately not all calcium deficiencies are readily apparent. Subclinical hypocalcemia is a condition where cows are ...
Tom Nolan reviews this week’s research Many people with osteoporosis are unable to tolerate oral bisphosphonates—many others would prefer a six monthly denosumab injection to a once weekly pill that ...
Eye twitching is something that happens to many people and quite randomly. Some days it is more apparent, while other times ...
2025 will be a very eventful year for BridgeBio. In addition to the commercial launches of Attruby in the United States, ...
有一个流传很广的观念,说指甲是身体健康的晴雨表。言下之意,就是指甲的问题可以反映内部的健康状况。比如,指甲有白点,可能就是缺钙的表现。关于这种说法,还有其他版本,比如指甲白点,是因为缺锌、缺维生素、长蛔虫…… ...
hypocalcemia, increased neonatal intensive care unit admissions) and neonatal adiposity with its long-term sequelae including childhood obesity and diabetes. [1] Both Type 2 diabetes and GDM are ...