The Departed, Ocean's Eleven, and The Wizard of Oz are among the best movie remakes that actually justified their existence.
Dr. Katja Michael is honored as the first female UTEP faculty to become a Senior Member of the National Academy of Inventors.
Black History Month is one of the most significant means a beautiful and noble people has to express and share themselves ...
Inventors and small business owners (SMEs) can protect their inventions or take better advantage of the marketing ...
The Qatar Scientific Club (QSC) won five coloured medals at the conclusion of its participation in the 15th International ...
DOHA: Qatar Scientific Club won five medals at the conclusion of its participation in the 15th International Invention ...
From pencil sharpeners to helicopters, remotes and fishing reels, Black inventors had a hand in creating or improving on ...
Hedy Lamarr, known for performances in movies like 'Samson and Delilah', was also an inventor, coming up with an idea that ...