Join Xinhua reporter David Rouault as he captures the inspiring exchanges between Chinese and French conductors, united by their shared passion for music, and experience unforgettable moments of ...
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) — Over the past year, about 14,000 American youths have visited China for exchange and study since the announcement of China's pledge to invite 50,000 young Americans to ...
然而,创业之路并非一帆风顺。在YouTube上取得成功后,Dongrin ...
12月4日,由国家民委民族画报社、中国外文局当代中国与世界研究院联合主办的“读懂中华民族:多元一体与共同发展”国际研讨会于2024年“读懂中国”国际会议 (广州)召开期间成功举行。作为此次研讨会的演讲嘉宾,清华大学客座教授、英国剑桥大学政治和国际研究系前高级研究员马丁·雅克 (Martin ...