以色列政府星期天(3月2日)宣布,将暂停一切物资与供应进入加沙,而且如果哈马斯拒不接受以色列有关临时延长在加沙停火的提议,那么它就要面对“后果”。 “本雅明·内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin ...
"The extension of the first phase as proposed by the occupation is unacceptable to us, and the mediators and guarantor countries are required to oblige the occupation to abide by the agreement in its ...
以色列总理办公室星期天(3月2日)清晨表示,以色列将采纳唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统特使史蒂夫·维特科夫(Steve Witkoff)提出的在斋月和逾越节期间在加沙实施临时停火的提议。几个小时前,此前达成的停火协议第一阶段将到期。
The US State Department has approved potential arms sales to Israel totaling about $US3 billion, the Pentagon said Friday.
Israeli authorities on Thursday began releasing more than 600 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails as part of the Gaza ...
最近,DeepSeek成为全网热点,霸占各大热搜榜。当 “未来人工智能是否可以取代医生” 成为热议话题时,小编带着满满的疑惑,用自己“400度近视加100度散光”的眼睛向DeepSeek发起“灵魂拷问”。
英为财情Investing.com - ICL Israel Chemicals (NYSE: ICL )星期三发布了第四季度的财报,数据显示,公司营收逊于分析师的预期,每股收益低于分析师的预期。 在该公司发布的最新财报中,公司每股收益为$0.080 ...
Como jornalista de Gaza, registrei a resiliência da cidade diante da destruição incessante, vendo o espírito inabalável do ...