The Spirit of America Sonic I, a groundbreaking vehicle, is being auctioned for around $997,880. Created by pilot Craig ...
Discover the fleet of vehicles that serve as workhorses for Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Learn about their roles and the people behind them.
By program's end, design proposals for everything from nuclear-powered rockets, submarines, missiles, hydrofoils, and even ...
India offers Nigeria a $200 million credit line to procure Tejas Mk1 fighter jets, presenting a superior alternative to ...
Test pilot Tristan Brandenburg is pushing Boom's XB-1 demonstrator to supersonic speeds as the company readies its supersonic ...
A Miami-bound British Airways aircraft made an unexpected return to London on Thursday evening after shutting down one of its ...
The airliner is also closing down all flights from San Jose and will stop using Mint business class planes on Seattle flights ...
Desperate to help his passengers disembark, the captain made an unusual call. “The captain informed us they will be calling ...
SHOPPING: Traveling doesn't have to be a costly venture when you book through Skycanner, the global travel search engine that ...
Istat said on Thursday that Italy’s GDP growth would be just 0.5 per cent in 2024, down from the 1 per cent it predicted in ...
Industry Eyes RAF Jet Trainer Opportunity is available to both Aviation Week & Space Technology and AWIN subscribers. Subscribe now to read this content, plus receive critical analysis into emerging ...
A self-propagating series of explosions, contained between the blades of a high-speed rotor, promises a leap in power and ...