For young men especially, people never blinked an eye when they rushed to get up and escorted an elderly woman to their seat ...
In today's Miss Manners column, advice columnist Judith Martin responds to the host of a holiday party disappointed in their ...
Everyone else Miss Manners hears from considers this a logistical nightmare; that is why etiquette asks that prompt and ...
Everyone else Miss Manners hears from considers this a logistical nightmare; that is why etiquette asks that prompt and ...
A reader is insulted by friends he invites to his annual holiday party whose RSVPs make his event sound like a burden to ...
Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website,; to her email, [email protected]; or ...
Actually, all of these lapses have the same cause: a lack of respect for the host. But the dithering is the easiest one to ...
Dear Miss Manners: For several years, my wife and I have hosted a large, somewhat elaborate holiday open house, complete with ...
They cut one child out completely, decided to give another child two-thirds of their estate while leaving me with only ...
GENTLE READER: If it makes you feel better, you may tell her what you told Miss Manners. But accept the free meal graciously ...
Tis the season to brush up on your etiquette and manners and Kristi Spencer, founder of The Polite Company, has tips and ...
Three members of a family with ties to the Bray School stopped for a special tour this week to see the building being ...