The Huangmaohai Cross-Sea Passage, linking Guangdong's Zhuhai City and Jiangmen City, was officially opened to traffic on ...
最近,一条“导师辞职去南极给企鹅织毛衣”的内容在小红书上爆火。内容 的发布者是小红书上一位英国留学生。不久前,她给自己的导师发了封邮件,结果得到了对方出人意料的答复: "Thank you for your email. I have left to ...
In August 2023, XPENG announced that it would issue A-class ordinary shares accounting for 3.25% of its total ...
The largest desert in China, the Taklimakan is now completely encircled by a green belt stretching 3,046 km as of late ...
后来,库克辞去了在康柏(Compaq)有保障的工作,加入了苹果,尽管同事们都警告他苹果的状况岌岌可危。(要知道,当时还没有诞生iPod、iTunes和iPhone。许多人认为这些产品的问世代表了苹果的复兴。)2011年乔布斯去世后,库克接任首席执行官 ...
Yes, you get the vibe. Games are fun – and challenging if you’re talking about pro sports. So, in short, are you fun to join us? When they ask you that way, they mean for you to take their endeavor as ...
近日,英特尔董事会宣布基辛格卸任首席执行官一职。该公司并未宣布继任者人选,而是任命两位高管为临时联席首席执行官,以接替基辛格。基辛格一直在英特尔工作,担任首席执行官仅三年时间。英特尔还表示,基辛格将退出董事会。换言之,该公司几乎没给外界留下任何猜测其 ...
今年是香港中文大学(深圳)建校十周年,同时也是大学举办的第十一场音乐会。校长徐扬生教授在致辞中表示:“今晚,我们齐聚一堂,共襄盛举,这既是一个喜庆的日子,更是一个充满感恩的时刻。回望过去的十年,我们心怀感激,每一步成长都离不开大家的支持与陪伴。这场音 ...
PARIS, Dec. 5 (Xinhua) -- French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday accepted the resignation of Prime Minister Michel Barnier's government, following its ouster by a parliamentary vote of no ...
Additionally, a domestically developed intelligent robot has been deployed in Qiemo County to transplant plants in the desert. The robot navigates the desert along preset routes and performs tasks ...