Few features of any organism draw more attention than their color. Color can play an important role in an organism’s survival, providing camouflage and photoprotection, and influencing sexual ...
孟德尔随机化筛选关键致病基因:从 IEU 数据库提取与基因相关的表达数量性状位点(Expression quantitative trait locis,eQTLs),经过严格筛选后,以 eQTLs 为暴露变量,肺腺癌为结果变量,利用 TwoSampleMR R 包进行孟德尔随机化分析,确定与肺腺癌有因果关系的关键基因 ...
Lobed tegumental glands are found only in terrestrial isopods and are thought to have evolved in response to challenges associated with life on land. By examining 30 terrestrial isopod species, we ...