Gene expression is the generation of a functional gene product from the information encoded by a gene, through the processes of transcription and translation. Gene products are often proteins ...
Based on this, we have developed a new approach to enhance the efficiency of rAAV-mediated gene expression. This approach uses co-infection with a transgene-containing vector and a second vector ...
Not all stressors have the same impact on health. Stress arising from threats to social safety is most likely to affect psychological, biological, and clinical outcomes. This is the conclusion ...
Furthermore, vectorization of the data is commonly required in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) approaches. We present BioVDB, a vector database for storage and analysis of gene ...
CM Guidelines on protecting freedom of expression and information in times of crisis (2007) This document provides guidance to Member States on how to ensure to the maximum of their ability the safety ...
If we use a viral replicating vector to express the RP instead of the non-replicating construct, the replication increases the RP level of the PI-RP system in inoculated cells, resulting in a relative ...