Join Xinhua reporter David Rouault as he captures the inspiring exchanges between Chinese and French conductors, united by their shared passion for music, and experience unforgettable moments of ...
在2024年SIGGRAPHAsia大会上,索尼展示了PlayStationVR2的一项重要功能:无需控制器的手部追踪。该功能已经与最新的PlayStation5SDK集成,这意味着开发者可以将其整合到游戏中。索尼表示,这一系统以60FPS的速率进行 ...
最新一期的 与星共舞 ha sollevato un polverone mediatico, in particolare riguardo alla figura di Angelo Madonia, il maestro di ballo ...
徕卡M11黑漆版 感光度范围为ISO ...
Artists from Shanghai Opera House will join hands with singers from Italy, Spain and Canada in the new production under the baton of Maestro Xu Zhong(许忠), president of Shanghai Opera House.