They saw that while H. pylori exclusively colonised gastric glands, non-H. pylori bacteria leaked through the stomach lining in the pre-cancerous condition, gastric intestinal metaplasia. The findings ...
Researchers have identified how gastric bacteria leaking through the stomach lining plays a crucial role in the onset of ...
Gastric bacteria, which leaks around the stomach lining, plays a significant role in the onset of stomach cancer -- which has ...
在研究结论与讨论部分,研究人员成功鉴定出一个由 26 个基因组成的高度精炼的特征集,这一特征集能够精准地刻画胃腺体中化生的存在和细胞特征。这些基因由异常上皮细胞表达,反映了化生灶中成熟和未成熟肠系细胞的情况,并且有望用于区分这些异常的细胞谱系。研究还发现,随着病变程度的加重,未成熟肠细胞标记物的表达逐渐增加,这进一步凸显了未成熟肠细胞在晚期癌前病变生物学过程中的重要作用。
Background and aims: Intestinal metaplasia (IM) at the cardia is likely to be a precursor of cardia cancer. Previous work has shown that it is associated with chronic inflammation attributable to ... BACKGROUND AND AIMS Gastric metaplasia is frequently seen in biopsies of the duodenal cap, particularly when inflamed or ulcerated. In its initial manifestation small patches of gastric ...
A pioneering study has revealed new insights into the role of gastric bacteria in stomach cancer development that could pave the way for a more ...
The lab of Dr. Mark Magnuson, Louise B. McGavock Professor and professor of molecular physiology and biophysics at Vanderbilt ...
Pancreatic cancer is a disease in which malignant cells originate in the pancreatic tissue. Cancer of the exocrine component of the pancreas (adenocarcinomas) represents the majority of pancreatic ...
Several Tri-Valley high school students have been recognized by the Society for Science for their scientific aptitude and ...
Bile reflux gastritis (BRG) is a gastro-intestinal condition especially characterized by the reflux of bile into the stomach, further leading to mucosal inflammation along with various other clinical ...
01胃镜检查如何做?●●●胃镜是一根长度1~1.5米,直径约1厘米的软管,管子前端是一个灯泡和高清摄像头。检查把内镜从嘴伸入到胃部,医生可通过摄像头观察食道胃十二指肠有没有异常,尤其是有没有癌症的征象。02胃镜检查怎么约?●●●胃镜检查在部分体检套餐 ...