Japanese multimedia franchise “Hypnosismic” is to expand and include an interactive feature film “Hypnosis Mic – Division Rap Battle” that will release in February next year. The ...
Japanese multimedia franchise “Hypnosismic” is to expand and include an interactive feature film “Hypnosis Mic – Division Rap Battle” that will release in February next year. The franchise was ...
DJI has unveiled its tiniest wireless mic, the Mic Mini, which weighs just 0.35oz / 10g and pairs easily with smartphones and cameras for better quality audio on-the-fly. Rivaling the recently ...
What are the best microphones for Zoom? Thanks to the recommendations from our CNET staff, we've got you covered. James has been writing about technology for years but has loved it since the early ...
Don't rely on the wimpy microphone built into your phone or laptop. Here's how to find the best USB (and XLR with USB) mics for gaming, podcasting, and recording music, including our top-tested picks.