Zhou's lab cracked the code five years ago by figuring out how to exploit the inner membrane's vulnerability – an electrical charge differential that keeps its structure intact and functions on track.
Researchers are shining a light on cancer cells' energy centers -- literally -- to damage these power sources and trigger widespread cancer cell death. In a new study, scientists combined strategies ...
In conclusion, by identifying PEBP1 as an amplifier of mitochondrial stress signals, our study provides new insights into cytoplasmic mechanisms which ensure appropriate responses to acute ...
The nucleus is the double membrane limited structure within an eukaryotic cell that contains the chromosomes, and where the DNA is replicated or transcribed into RNA. The membrane is perforated by ...
A study of the state of the enzyme systems of liver mitochondrial membranes of pregnant rats and embryos shows that poisoning with defoliants - butylcaptax and dropp - reduces the activities of NAD.H ...
In terms of speed, soTILT3D delivers a tenfold increase when combined with high emitter density and deep learning analysis, allowing researchers to capture detailed images of complex structures like ...