Using an approach called DNA origami, scientists at Caltech have developed a technique that could lead to cheaper, reusable ...
Additional authors of the paper, "Modular DNA origami-based electrochemical detection of DNA and proteins," are Jaimie M. Stewart of UCLA; Emily Wu and Ashwin Gopinath of MIT, Netzahualcóyotl ...
A paper describing the work recently appeared in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ("Modular DNA origami-based electrochemical detection of DNA and proteins"). The lead ...
Xing et al. developed a strategy for constructing DNA nanopores using DNA origami nanostructures containing modular subunits that self-assemble to form pores of various adjustable shapes and sizes, ...
Soft pneumatic systems and modular origami metastructures offer a viable way to achieve multimorphing capabilities without the need for rigid control elements, increasing the adaptability of soft ...
WPI researchers are developing an origami-inspired robotic arm to help wheelchair users grasp and carry objects, enhancing ...
Here, the authors report moDON (modular DNA origami nanostructure) that combines two approaches to modularity resulting in tens of thousands of different monomers and superstructures, constructed ...